strategic communication
The concept of a strategy has become a modern word that is used without regard to time, place or suitability. Strategic communication has become a similar turnover point, meaning both a blunt Facebook post and a country-wide action plan.
Unfortunately, many users of this concept do not know what “strategic” or “strategic level” means in practice — often the strategy or “big picture” is confused with tactics or “specific action plan”.
One of the typical errors in the planning process is the proliferation of tactical plans, which are not compatible with each other, and each branch of the operational level understands the strategic objective (target to be reached) differently. Communication strategy can not be an independent component, but part of an organisation’s big plan.
Strategic communication combines actions, principles and visuals, because sending a message is not only verbal. Remember how we call people whose words and actions contradict?
You might think good communication is super simple: all you have to do is be honest. However, organisations are not single-celled, but complex mechanisms in which gears (or different departments) manage their own merits. This is precisely what creates a conflict situation in which both management’s objectives and the concerns and expert opinions of subordinates are overlooked due to lack of internal communication. A broken team will not be able to convince the public of its competence for a long time.
We help to think, plan and achieve a situation where communication is involved in the decision-making process and where, if necessary, not only the words support actions, but also the actions support words.